Voices of Future Generations

Voices of Future Generations

Blog by Voices of Future Generations

Can Your #Maincharacter Change The Story Of The Future? - the voice of K D Adamson

Are you a #maincharacter? Do you have #maincharacterenergy? It’s a BIG hashtag right now. It means being the main character of your own life, actively taking control and focusing first and foremost on yourself, your wants and desires.

#Maincharacter says that the most important thing is us, and what ...

Sustainable Vision - the voice of Inayah Fathima Faeez

What do you think of when you consider a sustainable future?



There are loads of things we can do for this achievement, which is necessary considering the dire need for action against climate change today. Action is key.

Each one of us have different visions of a better future, ...

Tough plants for a tough place - the voice of Mark Tester

I hope you’ve eaten today. And yesterday.

Do you know - all your food comes from plants, or from animals that have eaten plants. Without plants, there’d be no life – no us!

For all our food, we need to be able to grow plants – lots of them. Billions of them.

But in the Middle East, and many other hot d...

Building Writers in the Classroom - the voice of Sharon Monis

"A word after a word after a word is power."

-Margaret Atwood

Lets Save Our Oceans - the voice of Abrar Ahmed Sirohey

Life below water (SDG 14) and clean water and sanitation (SDG 6) are extremely important goals that demand immediate attention. Whole ecosystems and economies, not to mention cultures and cities are at risk of collapse.


The 2021 UN SDG goals report states that on average only 1.2 % of nat...

Furry Fabulous - the voice of Ali Sparkes

This is Willow, my dog. When she arrived as a puppy she totally messed up my life… in a good way.

Lots of my author friends have dogs or cats or other pets and we often put our favourites into a story. I think animals inject a magical energy into our writing. My Shapeshifter series features a boy who...

Pandemic - Paralysis, Performance, & Progress - the voice of Maaria Kashif

This past year has been a roller coaster to say the least. As an educator of English Language Arts and Science to Middle School students my challenges were awaiting me in and out of the classroom. I can happily say I am a 21st century teacher, one who knows the loops of an “online interactive” teach...

How to spend a trillion dollars - the voice of Rowan Hooper

I’ve had a daydream since I was young: if I suddenly became fabulously rich, what would I spend my money on? And while most of us will never have the opportunity to indulge on a massive scale, there is a lot of money out there, sloshing around in the world economy. A lot of it doesn’t seem to be doi...

The Roadmap for Preparing Students for the MAP Exam - the voice of Dr. Mina Radhwan 

Assessments are considered as a significant component in the process of improving education all over the world. Formative assessment helps teachers to enhance students’ learning skills and develop their academic progress. Nowadays, for educational accountability, countries, schools and teachers are ...

 Callum the Camel: the Dromedary of the Draa - the voice of Alice Morrison 

Hello. My name is Callum the Camel and I am from Morocco in the north of Africa. Full disclosure – I am not a camel because they have two humps, I am a dromedary but humans are very bad at names. They call me a camel and it’s stuck. I don’t mind too much since some of my best mates are camels, and a...

Animals, Money and More - the voice of Dhruti Shah

When I was very little, much like many other children, I had a piggy bank in my room in London in the UK. I’d save up my pennies and my pound coins and think of all the wonderful books I’d be able to buy the next time we went to the shops. Sometimes if it was a really special book, and I couldn’t wa...

How Gratitude Changes your Brain - the voice of Maria Margossian 

There is a lot of talk these days about how gratitude is good for your mindset and your happiness, and there is plenty of evidence to support these claims. But what you may not know is that actively appreciating your life and the positive aspects of it can change your brain and even improve other as...

Teachers Never Stop Learning - the voice of Neill Power
If I have learned anything during the last year, it is the incredible resilience students are capable of when the occasion calls for it. To have your life turned upside down at the age of 7 and continue to challenge yourself on a daily basis is one thing, to do so with a s...
In Awe of the Imperfect Being - the voice of Tasneem Usman

The dynamic context of education has always been a source of wonderment for me. It is never static, never boring, and always excites me with the possibilities each unique scenario unfolds. The vision of children sitting under a tree learning from their teacher during the olden days (prevalent even n...

Disruptive Education -The 21st Century Educational Model - the voice of Adeeba Waseem 

The jury stands divided on whether the disruptive educational model is a blessing in disguise or unproductive. While there is a certain narrative that proclaims online teaching as ineffective yet if you explore deeper you will realize it is the other way around. Allow me to explain why I, as an educ...

Painting with Words - the voice of Phil Ferguson

Our writing lessons start with two questions: Why do I want to write today? And how do I want to write it?


There are many reasons why you might have the urge to write. Perhaps you feel you want to teach something to somebody - something you know a lot about and want to share, or maybe jus...

Teachers who make a difference in our lives - the voice of Faiza Sirohey 

We have all had outstanding teachers! These teachers make learning a lively experience because of their wonderful qualities. I remember studying Chemistry with enthusiasm in High School since my teacher Mrs. Farzana taught it well and with a smile.


Have you ever wondered what makes a teacher o...

My VoFG Writing Journey - the voice of Saira Thomas
It all started at the beginning of 2020, when I was in 4th Grade. One day, my English teacher asked if I was interested in participating in a story writing competition. I was thrilled because story writing is something that I enjoy a lot.
Imagine a world without teachers - the voice of Shama Noman

Not such a far-fetched idea you’d say, considering the changing world and the engagement of artificial intelligence and smart knowledge engineering. Robots are taking over the talking. A specified software to deliver the curriculum and the freedom to change your chatbot! Undoubtedly, Science and tec...

"We Are Going to Space!" - the voice of Sultan AlNeyadi
Probably one of the most memorable moments of my life is when I was watching the night sky back in the 80’s. Back then the sky looked different indeed and the “milky way” name of our magnificent galaxy made an absolute sense.