How Does the VoFG Teacher Champion Programme Celebrate Educators?
How Does the VoFG Teacher Champion Programme Celebrate Educators?
The VoFG Teacher Champion Programme celebrates the invaluable role teachers play in shaping children's lives and their future.
By inspiring young minds to embrace sustainability and fostering a love for purposeful storytelling, these educators lead with dedication and vision.
To honour's their hard work, commitment, and shared passion for a more sustainable world, we proudly launch the VoFG Teacher Champion Awards.
This initiative is our way of thanking, celebrating, and highlighting their remarkable efforts in driving positive change and supporting the VoFG education programmes. Together, we can empower a generation to create a brighter, more sustainable future.
How Can Teachers Unlock Opportunities Through the VoFG We Write Programme?
How Can Teachers Unlock Opportunities Through the VoFG We Write Programme?
The journey to becoming a VoFG Teacher Champion begins with participation in the VoFG We Write Programme, where teachers gain access to a wealth of resources on adventure story writing, the Sustainable Development Goals, and strategies to nurture their most talented and gifted writers. By contributing to a growing VoFG community of passionate readers, writers, and speakers, participating teachers immerse themselves in a dynamic network that fosters creativity and collaboration. The Teacher Champion Programme offers ample opportunities for growth, including prizes, professional development sessions, and inspiring conversations with like-minded educators. It’s a rewarding path that empowers teachers to excel while championing a shared vision for a sustainable future.
To become a part of the celebrated VoFG Teacher Champion community, register your interest in the We Write Programme today!
To become a part of the celebrated VoFG Teacher Champion community, register your interest in the We Write Programme today!
What are the Prizes?
What are the Prizes?

The prizes include cash rewards ranging from AED 3,000 to AED 10,000, certificates of achievement, media recognition, and opportunities for professional development. These prizes not only acknowledge the hard work and dedication of teachers but also support their continued growth and visibility within the educational community. Additionally, winners gain access to exclusive events, networking opportunities, and resources to further enhance their teaching journey.
The Awards
VoFG Teacher Champions +1 Award
This award is designed to recognise and celebrate the exceptional contributions of educators who not only lead the VoFG competition at their school but also demonstrate remarkable initiative in encouraging other schools to participate.
By actively promoting the VoFG competition in their community and mentoring other educators, these outstanding teachers create a ripple effect, expanding the impact of the competition and empowering more students to express their voices.
Best VoFG School Integration Award
To recognize a school that has demonstrated exceptional commitment to promoting sustainability and children’s rights by successfully integrating the Voices of Future Generations Writing Competition into their curriculum and wider school culture.
This award allows multiple people within one school community to share equal credit. The submission should be made by one teacher or coordinator on behalf of multiple people within the school and it will be evaluated as a team effort.
VoFG Thriving Writers' Community Award
This award recognises schools that have fostered a dynamic, inclusive, and impactful writers' community for children.
The initiative should align with the themes of the Voices of Future Generations (VoFG), focusing on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Children’s Rights.
This award allows multiple people within one school community to share equal credit. The submission should be made by one teacher or coordinator on behalf of multiple people within the school and it will be evaluated as a team effort.
Award Criteria for the Most Story Submissions
Award Criteria for the Most Story Submissions
This award recognises schools that have demonstrated exceptional engagement with the Voices of Future Generations competition by submitting a significant number of high-quality story entries.
The focus is on quality, alignment with VoFG guidelines, and promoting awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals among young writers.
The Most Exceptional Lesson Plan or Resource creation
The Most Exceptional Lesson Plan or Resource creation
This award celebrates outstanding lesson plans and teaching resources that inspire students to engage with the themes of the Voices of Future Generations Initiative, with a focus on Sustainability and Children’s Rights.