Where are your stories now?
We will be reading all your wonderful stories!

Your stories will be sent to the Goodwill Ambassador!
July - August
The selected stories will be sent to the International Commission!

Winners will be announced!

Who can enter?
The creative writing competition is open to all children aged 8-12 years old, whether in private education, government schools or for those who are home-schooled. Stories can be submitted by students, parents and teachers – and each submission is free of charge. A Voices of Future Generations Gold Winner will not hold eligibility to re-enter the competition.
What are the guidelines?
- Please write stories that will appeal to children who are 6 years or older.
- Write a story that is between 600 and 1,500 words long.
- Submit your entry online in a single-spaced word document in size 12 font, divided in clear paragraphs, in either Arabic or English.
- Include themes around children’s rights and sustainable development, and your own vision for a sustainable future.
- Your story must be original and written for this competition only.
How would the stories be judged?
- The stories meeting the criteria set for the story format will be accepted upon submission through the Voices of Future Generations website.
- The entries will be read by a panel of sifters at Voices of Future Generations for the Middle East Region.
- The 11 short-listed stories will be sent to an International Commission of leading experts and agencies, and Goodwill Ambassadors for key regions of the world, who will select the winning entries.
What is the Prize?
- Winning child authors will be awarded gold, silver and bronze medals and certificates.
- Teacher volunteers as Voices of Future Generations Champions will receive certificates and awards at the Voices of Future Generations for the Middle East Region Awards Ceremony.
First Prize Winners in Arabic and English are published internationally at the discretion of the VoFG International Commission as part of the story series under the patronage of UNESCO.
Winning child authors are featured in the annual VoFG Arabia legacy film series.
All winning child authors receive free copies of the anthology collection.
The official Young Voices of Arabia book launch is held annually at the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature.
All twenty-two shortlisted entries are professionally edited, illustrated, and included in the annual story collection, Young Voices of Arabia, published under the patronage of the UAE National Commission for Education, Culture & Science.
There are many additional opportunities for our winners, including:
Participation in global round table conferences with internationally published child authors
Join VoFG alumni groups and enjoy field visits, writing workshops and the opportunity to continue the journey through the VoFG Writers Journey Programme
Regional and international hosting of events organised by VoFG (Voices of Future Generations)
Being listed and cited as a child author on the official Voices of Future Generations Arabic and English Wikipedia pages
Introduction to international authors at the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature and possible hosting opportunities
Having their stories in the anthology shared with schools and regional libraries
Becoming SDG ambassadors for the Middle East
VoFG Writers’ Journey Programme:
The VoFG Writers' Journey is a programme that encourages the shortlisted winning child authors for each round to continue to write stories and submit for professional editor feedback. The programme aims at highlighting and celebrating the child author's strengths as a writer, as well as provide constructive critique with tips and strategies to support their writing journey as self-aware and informed writers.
Make sure you are registered with us before you submit your story!
How to enter the competition:
Who can enter?
The creative writing competition is open to all children aged 8-12 years old, whether in private education, government schools or for those who are home-schooled. Stories can be submitted by students, parents and teachers – and each submission is free of charge. A Voices of Future Generations Gold Winner will not hold eligibility to re-enter the competition.
What are the guidelines?
- Please write stories that will appeal to children who are 6 years or older.
- Write a story that is between 600 and 1,500 words long.
- Submit your entry online in a single-spaced word document in size 12 font, divided in clear paragraphs, in either Arabic or English.
- Include themes around children’s rights and sustainable development, and your own vision for a sustainable future.
- Your story must be original and written for this competition only.
How would the stories be judged?
- The stories meeting the criteria set for the story format will be accepted upon submission through the Voices of Future Generations website.
- The entries will be read by a panel of educators at the Voices of Future Generations for the Middle East Region Team.
- The 11 short-listed stories will be sent to an International Commission of leading experts and agencies, and Goodwill Ambassadors for key regions of the world, who will select the winning entries.
What is the Prize?
- Winning child authors will be awarded gold, silver and bronze medals and certificates.
- Teacher volunteers as Voices of Future Generations Champions will receive certificates and awards at the Voices of Future Generations for the Middle East Region Awards Ceremony.
First Prize Winners in Arabic and English are published internationally at the discretion of the VoFG International Commission as part of the story series under the patronage of UNESCO.
Winning child authors are featured in the annual VoFG Arabia legacy film series.
All winning child authors receive free copies of the anthology collection.
The official Young Voices of Arabia book launch is held annually at the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature.
All twenty-two shortlisted entries are professionally edited, illustrated, and included in the annual story collection, Young Voices of Arabia, published under the patronage of the UAE National Commission for Education, Culture & Science.
There are many additional opportunities for our winners, including:
Participation in global round table conferences with internationally published child authors
Join VoFG alumni groups and enjoy field visits, writing workshops and the opportunity to continue the journey through the VoFG Writers Journey Programme
Regional and international hosting of events organised by VoFG (Voices of Future Generations)
Being listed and cited as a child author on the official Voices of Future Generations Arabic and English Wikipedia pages
Introduction to international authors at the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature and possible hosting opportunities
Having their stories in the anthology shared with schools and regional libraries
Becoming SDG ambassadors for the Middle East
VoFG Writers’ Journey Programme:
The VoFG Writers' Journey is a programme that encourages the shortlisted winning child authors for each round to continue to write stories and submit for professional editor feedback. The programme aims at highlighting and celebrating the child author's strengths as a writer, as well as provide constructive critique with tips and strategies to support their writing journey as self-aware and informed writers.
Make sure you are registered with us before you submit your story!