Award Criteria for the Most Story Submissions

This award recognises schools that have demonstrated exceptional engagement with the Voices of Future Generations competition by submitting a significant number of high-quality story entries. The focus is on quality, alignment with VoFG guidelines, and promoting awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals among young writers. 

Self-nomination (individual application)   

Who is eligible to apply for the award? 

Any school, teacher, or coordinator registered with the Voices of Future Generations competition under WE WRITE programme. 
Story submissions must come from students between the ages of eight and twelve.

What are the guidelines?   

  • Applications are open from January 2025, to May 31, 2025. 
  • All story submissions must comply with the VoFG competition rules and terms. 
  • Submit each story separately, ensuring it meets the required word count and criteria.       

How is the award evaluated?

The award is judged based on the following criteria: 

  • Number of Submissions (50%) 
    Schools will be evaluated based on the total number of eligible stories submitted. 

  • Alignment with Sustainable Development Goals (20%) 
    Stories should effectively incorporate various SDGs, demonstrating a clear understanding of global issues and their impact on society. 

  • Story Scoring (20%) 
    Only stories that receive a score of 70 or higher will be considered. Any story scoring below 70 will not qualify or be counted. 

  • Creativity and Originality (10%)
    The stories should showcase unique perspectives, imaginative storytelling, creativity, and effective engagement with the reader. 

What is the Prize? 

  • The prize includes recognition for the teachers and the school, with an award that highlights their contributions to the Voices of Future Generations (VoFG) competition. 
  • Winning teacher receives a prize money of AED 3000, (to be shared if more teachers contribute to submissions from the same school) certificates, public acknowledgment in media and at VoFG events. 
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