World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development
Let me give you a little secret, I spent 12 years as student in school repeating “I would be anything but a teacher”! and guess what?! I’m a teacher from 10 years and can’t be proud enough! On the other hand, I totally believe that it was my fate! After spending so many years with the children in schools, I could see how similar their reactions are, yet so different in personalities and cultures. There was a time when I truly believed that I was fated to be a kindergarten teacher for a bigger reason. Didn’t know what it was, but kept searching for it.
Until one day in school, I had a child who was different in the eyes of his friends! For me, he was different too! But in a very inspiring way! My job at that time was to help the rest of the children to know and see through their hearts, that it doesn’t matter how different we look from each other, or how strange we behave sometimes, because we are all special in our own way!
It was a tough year for all of us, the children and I. Nevertheless, I was so proud that they graduated knowing and fully understanding how diversity can bring us together! The love, tolerance and support they gave that little child, helped us all to grow emotionally and socially!
So “The Dinoraf” story was born! It was the bigger reason for becoming a teacher that I was looking for! It was the massage I wanted to send to all the children in the world and their parents! That diversity in cultures, in traditions, in looks, in personalities are what makes each of us unique! As much as we are different from each other, as much as we are interested in each other!
So, no matter where we come from or what we belong to, we can live peaceful life together. We can all focus on universal goals, that create tolerant environment which leads to sustainability and maintain the level of safety in life. As H.H Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum said “Tolerance increases strength and resilience, and help establish a global cohesive society” . Therefore, my little readers .. open your eyes .. unleash your creativity .. think extraordinary plots, because we are not meant to be normal! Find your message, as I found mine .. and send it peacefully to the world to unify us and bring us all together!
His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum (2015) Quotes, Available at: https://sheikhmohammed.ae/en-us/quotes (Accessed: 22-May-2020).
Voice of Hessa Almehairi
Email: hessa.almehairi@live.com
Instagram: @hessa_illa