Parents as Role Models in Reading: A Guide to Inspiring a Love for Books- the voice of Hanadi Tayfour

22.08.24 12:00 PM By Voices of Future Generations

Encouraging a love for reading in our children can be such a joyful and fulfilling journey, I am sharing some tips I found effective, hoping they would inspire you.

Lead by example: When my child sees me enjoying a book or a magazine, it naturally attracts their curiosity. Let’s show our kids how much we love reading so they’ll want to join in too.

Make reading a special part of the day: I’ve found that setting aside a cozy time each day just for reading (no mobile phone around) whether it’s before bed or during a quiet moment in the afternoon, it can be a wonderful way to wind down and connect with our kids. It is a perfect bonding time that will always be cherished.

Create a little book corner: At home, I set up a special spot where books are always within reach. It doesn’t have to be fancy, just a comfy place where my child can curl up with a good book.

Select books they like: I always try to choose books that match my child’s interests—whether it’s dinosaurs, princesses, or outer space. The right book can truly spark their love for reading, and I’m sure you’ll see the same.

Share the magic of reading aloud: Reading stories together with fun voices and asking questions as we go brings the story to life. It keeps my child engaged, and it’s a simple joy we both look forward to.

Explore the library together: Regular trips to the library have become a big adventure for us. Let your child pick out books and participate in Storytime sessions. It’s such a fun way to make the library feel like a welcoming, magical place.

By including these little habits in our routine, we can help our children discover the joy of reading in a way that feels natural and enjoyable for both of us. I hope you find these tips as helpful as I have, please share your tips too!

Bio- As the Projects Manager and Library Advisor at the Emirates Literature Foundation, Hanadi utilizes her Master of Research and Bachelor of Library and Information Science to promote literature and reading both in the UAE and internationally. With over 20 years of combined experience in managing libraries, conducting research, and developing literacy programs for a diverse range of audiences, Hanadi is dedicated to introducing global literary works to new audiences. 

Voices of Future Generations