Voices of Future Generations

Voices of Future Generations

Voices of Future Generations

Blog by Voices of Future Generations

Finding Your Roar - Voice of Hannah Gold

My dream was always to be a children’s author. To one day be able to walk into a bookshop and see MY books on the shelves – to see my stories and my voice out in the world. There was one small problem. As a child I was chronically shy. So shy, I was too afraid to speak up in class or ever share any ...

Mindfulness: A path to a Kinder You and a Better World - Voice of Ivy B. Ogbu

Hey there, awesome young minds! Ever wondered how you can make a big difference in our world? Being a changemaker sounds like a big task with big shoes to fill. Well, I've got a somewhat easier but very impactful secret for you: it's all about something called "mindfulness," and ...

Teaching Children Information Literacy - the voice of Sanam Bozorgi 

Often, when students enter college or university, they lack good information literacy skills.

What do we mean by this? Essentially, information literacy is the ability of a child to:

  • Decide what information is needed.
  • Be able to make choices about the different types of information available both in pr...
Wellbeing in Education - the voice of Robert Williams

Hello, my name is Rob and over the past two years my role at school has focused on well-being in education. Specifically, how we can begin to address the well-being needs of students that are ever changing and very individual...

Why we are bringing whales to Dubai - Voice of Chris Vick

What produces half of all the oxygen we breathe and absorbs huge amounts of carbon?


What, if we had more of them, could help solve the climate crisis?


Are you thinking trees?  You’d be half right. But the ocean is working just as hard as the forests, soaking up vast amounts of the car...